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Posted By admin on 06/24/14 - Bookmark Cleft of Venus

grainy photo of a cleft of venus shot on camera phone selfie hiked skirt

Sure this photo of a cleft of Venus is a little grainy, but I am pretty sure the guy on the receiving end got the hint loud and clear. This girl wasn’t looking for somebody to cuddle while talking about how the day went. She was looking for somebody that would drill that little cunny of hers until the sun comes up and then get the fuck out before the day gets started.

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Above all have fun with it and tell us how you did in the comments below!

Blogged Under: Cleft of Venus
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Posted By admin on 06/12/14 - Bookmark Cleft of Venus

cleft of venus on the girl next door

Today I happened on these erotic pics of a wonderful cleft of Venus and figured it would only be right to share them with you. This pictures were captured of a spunky girl next door on Showy Beauty. You can see the entire gallery for free at Girlsoftcore.com. Or you can just click on the picture above.

I did take the liberty of cleaning up the picture a little bit by removing her whiskers. With such a hot pudendal cleft it is anybody’s guess why she doesn’t wax her beaver.

Girlsoftcore archives the worlds erotic pics and softcore videos. You don’t need a password to view every single piece of content on this site. There are no restrictions of any kind and there is no digital rights management so anything you download is yours to keep for life.

This softcore archive does have to pay its bills. Consider joining one of the many sites it pulls its photos from. And as always, stay safe and stick to legal sites like Girl Softcore!

Blogged Under: Cleft of Venus
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